Летняя распродажа в магазинах CENTRO!

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centro julyС 3 июля во всех магазинах Centro начинается распродажа летнего ассортимента обуви и аксессуаров. Скидки составят от 30 до 70%.

Пока лето в самом разгаре, а вокруг столько ярких красок, гардероб должен соответствовать окружению! Тем более в июле благодаря Centro можно будет позволить себе столько пар обуви, сколько душе угодно, под каждый образ – будь то невесомое летнее платье, затейливый вечерний наряд или строгий офисный костюм. Заглянув в любой магазин Centro, невозможно выйти без покупки! Легкие стильные босоножки, удобные балетки и лоферы, изящные туфли-лодочки на головокружительной шпильке – во время распродажи можно не выбирать что-то одно, а собрать целую летнюю коллекцию.



«AURORA» - start your journey with us!

«AURORA» can also boast a great selection of leather goods, clothing and shoes for adults and children. All these and many other features of the shopping center «AURORA» allowed him to succeed and earn a reputation as one of the best in Lugansk, and traditionally held festivals, children's views and actions have become an integral part of Luhansk. That's why shopping center «AURORA» has established itself as a popular and prestigious center for the whole family.

Very comfortable parking for 150 cars. Three inputs, which is very convenient, given the considerable area of ​​the shopping center. Two staircases and escalators. Zone free wi-fi internet. Three fast-food restaurant and a coffee shop. Children's entertainment center "Netlandiya" hypermarket "Foxtrot", supermarket «Eurospar».

The mall is located on one of the main roads of the city - street Defense, 26.

Shopping center is named after the goddess of the dawn, in a sign that it will bring people something new, beautiful, magical. A magic happen on Opening Day, which was held on May 24, 2008 and started with this ship's whistle. Now, every day, at noon, this cheerful whistle «AURORA» luganchan and welcomes visitors. The original architecture, which organically combines stylish and modern at once arouses interest from any passerby. Wooden benches, tubs with palm trees, colorful fountain, and a huge sail boat made by hand Lugansky masters - all serve to adorn the magnificent World Trade Center «AURORA»!

What were your thoughts when he heard about the shopping center «AURORA»? Yes, the shopping center «AURORA» - is a comfortable liner, taking on board all comers.

«AURORA» shopping and entertainment paradise of Lugansk!
